The yellowest yellow
I have ever seen,
huge round eyes
stared at me
almost unblinking
while her life ebbed away.
We found her sick and injured,
just half grown
unable to fly
barely able to walk.
but unable to escape,
she allowed me
to pick her up
treat her for parasites
dribble food into her mouth
but it wasn't enough.
I saw that yellow
one last time
when she looked through me
then simply stopped
She was too young
ever to have loved
to court
to mate
to provide for her young
but she knew how to die.
She left the world with grace
with elegance even...
those beautiful
all-seeing eyes
closing slowly
but not tightly
as if to declare
I am going
I am still here
I was always here
I will always be here.
Watch me glide.
Listen to me hoot.
Feel my eyes
seeing you
through the darkness.